Edgar Wiens
Pastor of Families & Youth

Life Story
I was born in Paraguay and moved to Canada as a teenager. I am a preacher’s kid and attended church as a child and teenager, but I turned away from God in my early twenties.
I lived a selfish and careless life. I searched for the meaning and purpose of life in all the wrong places and filled my life with all the stuff/things the world has to offer. My life was empty and I had no peace.
After many failures, disappointments and frustrations with addictions, I recognized that I needed Jesus and I accepted His grace and forgiveness at the age of 34. I “confessed /admitted my sins” (1 John 1:9) and God is faithful and can ALWAYS be trusted to forgive ALL our sins/wrongdoings.
From that day on “it is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). I now have peace, joy, hope and purpose for my life.
In 1996, I moved back to Paraguay to attend bible school and serve as chaplain at a Christian missionary school and as a youth leader in my local church. I moved back to Canada in January 2007 and started serving at King Road church in February as youth pastor.
I am passionate about people & young people, and my highlights are meeting people for coffee, celebrating baptism, preparing & going on our annual mission’s trip, youth retreats, TREK camp, attending equipping conferences with our youth leaders.
I married Ester in December 1996 and God blessed us with two children; Brian & Jeremy. In my free time, I love to play golf, BBQ, watch some NFL football, and hang out around Abbotsford.
My Hope for King Road Church
My hope for King Road church is that we would be a people of God who walk humbly with our God as we express our love for our neighbors and extend the gospel to all generations.